Celebrating Pride at work is a great way to make employees who are part of the LGBTQ+ community feel safe and included. June commemorates the start of Pride Month – how much do you know about this historic celebration? 

The history of Pride Month dates back to 1969. It started with the Stonewall Uprising in New York City, a gay bar that was raided by the police. This sparked an uproar of protests, lasting three days. One year later, the first Gay Pride marches began.  

LGC prides itself in celebrating pride at work and supporting those in the LGBTQ+ community. We want to highlight some of the LGC crew and why Pride Month and celebrating pride at work is important to them. First, meet Jamie. 

Celebrating Pride at Work with LGC

Name: Jamie Lawyer
Position: Area Recruiting Director 


About Jamie
I’m born and raised in Vermont, and have lived in Florida since 2001. I’ve been with LGC for a total of 7 years. I’m an active member in the LGBTQIA community helping support the drag and trans communities within Tampa and St. Petersburg. I enjoy spending time at Disney, going to country concerts, and hanging out at home with my 3 cats.  

What does Pride Month mean to you?
It’s a month to celebrate how far the LGBTQIA community has come since Stonewall. Remembering those before us that fought for our rights. Its showing the world that we will not be silenced and we will continue to fight for the rights of future generations.   

What are the benefits to being openly supportive of the LGBTQ+ community? You get to meet some really awesome people. We are all human. We all bleed the same color. Being supportive of those that wish to transition to the body they belong in, or supporting someone who chooses to love someone of the same sex, it allows you to be part of the evolution of LGBTQIA rights.   

Do you have any thoughts on how employers can better support the LGBTQ+ community?
Employers can support their own business by recognizing pride month and the employees that are part of the LGBTQIA community. They can also support the local communities by donating to the non profit agencies within the local communities to help the fight for equality within our country.  

Name: Kourtney Kenworthy
Position: Executive Recruiter – Perm Division

About Kourtney
My name is Kourtney, and I am a 28-year-old queer woman. I came out when I was 17 and it was the best decision I ever made. Growing up I never felt like I belonged, and I struggled with “being normal” but, once I came out, I felt like I finally knew who I was, and it improved my personal life and mental health a lot. 

What does Pride month mean to you?
To me, Pride Month is to showcase all the queer people before me and how they fought for me to be able to openly be myself. All the people who showed me there is nothing wrong with loving who I love, including myself. Pride month is more than just a parade, it is a time for the entire LGBTQ+ community to come together to honor each other. 

What are the benefits to being openly supportive of the LGBTQ+ community?
You get a second family. The LGBTQ+ community receives so much hate every day because we aren’t afraid to be ourselves and we want everyone to feel they have support. So, for someone to be an ally they literally have an army of people in their corner no matter what. 

Do you have any thoughts on how employers can better support the LGBTQ+ community? 
Personally, I think it would be wonderful to see LGC in the pride parade. To show that they support the LGBTQ+ community as well as the many people apart of the community that work for the organization.  

Name: Brianna Whitney
Position: Executive Recruiter 

About Brianna
Hi I’m Bri (she/her), an Executive Recruiter on the Perm Team! I’m 27 and have been out as a lesbian since I was 21 years old. I have been with my girlfriend Kennedy for almost 5 years now, and we live in Columbus with our pup and 3 cats. We both grew up in the same small town and reconnected after high school. I probably would have never been able to come out if I hadn’t moved to Columbus. I met some of my best friends in the community who supported me and gave me a safe space to be myself which was crucial in me coming to terms with my sexuality.   

What does Pride month mean to you?
To me, pride month is a time to respect the history of our community and the struggles that we have gone through and are still experiencing to this day. The parade and festival held every year is a place for us to come together, to take up space unapologetically, and to tell the world that its okay to be queer, its okay to be YOURSELF, and we don’t feel any shame around who we are. 

What are the benefits to being openly supportive of the LGBTQ+ community?
It lets people know that they have a safe person to come to if they are struggling, and that they are not alone. I recently read something that said “I display pride flags so the family across the street knows they are safe, the couple in the restaurant knows they aren’t alone, the boy who sees me notice him looking at dresses knows I won’t judge. I wear pride so they don’t have to hide” and that is really the best way to put it. 

Do you have any thoughts on how employers can better support the LGBTQ+ community?
The little things matter. Something as simple as putting your pronouns in your signatures, recognizing pride month as a company, and making sure that employees feel safe to talk about their partner and be themselves. Having a LGBTQ+ group where the employees can come together and present ideas for inclusion/representation within the company. I’m very thankful I have always felt safe to be myself at LGC and have never feared judgment or exclusion.  

Celebrating pride at work can make a huge difference in employees perception of their workplace. Not only that, but being inclusive furthers DE&I initiatives which can impact your recruiting efforts. When you consider celebrating pride at work, use our employees feedback to help shape your plan.