Over the past several years, becoming a gig worker has grown in popularity. And why not? The gig economy affords workers with a flexible schedule, extra cash, and oftentimes the ability to decide when (and where) they work.  

If you’re new to gigging, you might be unsure where you fit best in the gig economy. But don’t worry, LGC is here to help. We created a quick five question quiz to help you determine what type of gig worker you are, that way you can find the opportunity that works best for you.  

What Type of Gig Worker Are You? 

Choose the answer that best describes your current work situation: 

A. I work full-time but may be interested in a side gig. 

B. I work part-time but want something more. 

C. I’m unemployed and open to opportunities. 

How would you describe your employment goals?  

A. I know what I want to do with my career and how to get there. 

B. I’m still not sure what the right job is for me, but I’m excited to find out.  

C. Right now my goal is to find a job, and from there I’ll decide what I like.  

How often do you think you’d pick up shifts as a gig worker? 

A. Maybe once every few weeks. 

B. It depends on my schedule, but ideally a couple times a week.  

C. As much as I can. 

How would you describe your ideal worker/manager relationship?  

A. I’m pretty independent and prefer to do my own thing.  

B. A little guidance is good, but I also like to find stuff out myself.  

C. I’m open to any advice that helps me get ahead. 

A last-minute shift pops up that you’re eligible for; choose the answer that best describes your response: 

A. I’ve got plans tonight so I’ll pass.  

B. I work my other job, but with a little more notice, I’m in. 

C. Just tell me when and where. 

On a shift, a manager says they want to hire you full-time. What would be your reaction? 

A. Thank you, but I’m already committed to my other full-time job.  

B. I need to think about it because I like my current flexibility. 

C. Tell me more! 

MOSTLY A’s: The “Once in a While” Gig Worker  
You have a lot going on right now but could occasionally use the extra cash or change up in your schedule. You know what kinds of shifts you want to work, feel comfortable finding them yourself, and are happy in your current position.   

MOSTLY B’s: The “Exploratory” Gig Worker 
You’re interested in what’s out there, whether it be to gain more experience or to add to your current income. You’re willing to try different positions to see what you like and are open to a change in employment.  

MOSTLY C’s: The “Ready, Set, Go” Gig Worker 
Your schedule is free and you’re ready to dive into gig work. You may not be sure what work you’re looking for but are excited to see what’s out there. If a full-time position was offered, you would definitely be interested.  

Now that you know what type of gig worker you are, get out there and find the gig that’s right for you! Since you’re here, why not check out LGC? We have flexible opportunities that can fit any schedule (or gig worker “type”). Contact us today to learn more.


About LGC
Connecting job seekers with great opportunities since 2003. LGC places workers (like you!) with businesses that have open positions, whether on a temporary or permanent basis. Enjoy flexible scheduling, earn extra income, and grow your skills at one of our nationwide branches.