Navigating the job market can be tough; add in the pandemic and we have a recipe for confusion. What will finding a job look like when hiring post coronavirus?

The pandemic has shaped business operations around the country in order to prioritize health standards and ensure the safety of our communitiesBecause there’s so much uncertainty surrounding what the future will look likeit’s safe to say that businesses will continue to err on the side of caution during our “new normal”.  

One of the processes we expect to remain changed, at least through the rest of the year, is hiring. As more companies begin to start hiring again, it’s important for candidates to understand what the process may look like. Here’s a few things to expect from hiring post coronavirus:  

What Candidates Should Expect During Hiring Post Coronavirus 

Video interviewing may be the new norm
Using video conferencing software to conduct interviews became extremely popular once stay-at-home orders were put in place. With concerns surrounding social distancing, many believe that managers will continue to utilize software like Zoom or Skype as opposed to inviting candidates for an in-person meeting. Check out this article with tips on successfully conducting a video interview 

The process may take longer
During this time especially, we suggest practicing patience with prospective employers. We understand the frustrations that come with a slow hiring process, but remember the following: 

  • Many corporate teams are still working from home and might be for several months longer. This can slow communication (between interviewer and HR manager, for example) when making a hiring decision.  
  • While video conferencing is a great alternative to in-person interviewsit isn’t perfect –– there’s a chance you’ll experience a dropped call or insufficient Wi-Fi that causes the interview to come to a halt. Don’t lose motivation, the employer will work with you to get rescheduled.  

Versatile workers will be in demand
In order to decrease the number of new hires needed, managers will be looking for candidates who are versatile, meaning they have several relevant skills or are willing to be flexible in terms of scheduling or position. When looking for a new employment opportunity, think about your experience, and if possible, find a position where you’ll be able to fully use the extent of your talents. Similarly, make sure to highlight your skills on your resume so it’s the first thing hiring managers notice while they’re recruiting.  

Change can be stressful, especially when it comes to hiring post coronavirus. By taking the above into account, you’ll feel more prepared for finding a new job in the era of post-COVID.