Did you know that if you have an exciting LinkedIn profile, you’re 71% more likely to get an interview for that job you’re applying for? 

In the current job market, there’s an interesting trade off going on. “It’s a good time to have a job, but a not-so-good time to be actively looking for one,” says Guy Berger of The Burning Glass Institute. The process of finding a job is often an exhausting journey with rejection letters piling in or straight radio silence from companies you sent a resume to.  

So, what’s missing? It might be how you’re using LinkedIn. Here are 3 things you can do on LinkedIn to refine your profile and show establishments that you would be an amazing asset to their team.  

Make an Immediate Impression with a Strong LinkedIn Profile 

Let’s think about this for a second. When recruiters or hiring managers look you up, your profile is the first thing they will see. Let’s say you’re a hiring manager looking for an Executive Chef and you receive 2 resumes with links to LinkedIn profiles.  

On the first profile, there’s no profile picture or cover image; their headline says “Chef;” the only 2 skills they have on their profile are cooking and food service; and they have their work experience listed out but there aren’t any descriptions or skills they learned.  

On the second profile, they have a professional looking picture; a cover image of a restaurant kitchen; their headline states that they are an “Executive Chef | Culinary Innovator | Transforming Dining Experiences with Passion and Precision;” they have a dynamic About section written that showcases their strengths and passions in their role; they have outlined their full work experience with descriptions that demonstrate the skills they acquired in the position and how they impacted the company they were with at the time; lastly, they have a section where 2 of their previous employers have written personalized recommendations detailing how reliable they were as an employee and their ability to connect with their restaurant community through food.  

Which person are you going to be more interested in talking to in an interview?  

If you personalize your profile, you’re no longer a name on a screen. Hiring managers will begin to understand your employment journey and will start to picture how you will fit into the role they’re hiring for.  

Show Them Your Professional Development Expertise, Don’t Just Tell Them About It 

Okay, we get it. You might not feel like you’re an expert in your field, but they don’t have to know that. Sharing your experience could connect you with someone else in your field who has been through something similar. Just like that, not only have you become a voice in your industry, but you’ve networked with someone who might be a valuable contact down the line.  

In creative writing, everyone will tell you the most engaging strategy is to “show, not just tell.” It’s the same for how you interact with LinkedIn. Your profile can do a lot of the talking for you, but posting about professional development seminars you’ve attended, what your favorite part of your job is, or even your weekend plans, shows you actively engage in furthering your career.  

React! Comment! Make Friends! 

Here’s a secret for you: LinkedIn is just another social media platform. 

Let’s say you come across a post that says, “5 Things I Learned from Working at a Restaurant.” You’re reading the lessons this person learned, and you find that you’re resonating with one of their points about the best customer service strategies. Let them know! Leave a comment telling them why you liked their insight and what your thoughts are on the matter.  

Maybe you don’t have a comment, but you want more clarification on a certain point or want to know their thoughts on something you’ve experienced. Ask a question in the comments! Interacting on people’s posts allows you to trade information with people all over the world. 

Don’t be afraid to add to the conversation! 

Remember, your LinkedIn profile helps you make a lasting impression on a hiring manager, but it can only get you so far. Do as much as you can to set up credibility in your industry and to help recruiters put a face to a name.

You got this, good luck! 


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About LGC

Since 2003 LGC has been building connections between businesses with staffing needs and job seekers looking for new opportunities. Our range of solutions includes temporary and permanent placements (and everything in between) for a variety of industries. With offices located nationwide, we can tap into a dynamic pool of talented professionals. We have a passion for creating partnerships that last and work hard every day to ensure both clients and candidates reach their employment goals.