Do you plan on finding a new job in the next several months? If so, there are a few things you need to know about post pandemic interviewing. Below, we’ll lay out a few interview dos and don’ts that can help give you an advantage over other candidates and leave a great impression on the hiring manager.  

Post Pandemic Interviewing Dos and Don’ts 
Do: Keep practicing pandemic-related hygiene etiquette 

If your interview is in-person, you should continue to practice pandemic-related hygiene etiquette for the comfort and safety of those around you. Unless otherwise specified, arrive with a mask and social distance when possible. 

Don’t: Assume everyone’s at the same comfort level 

Although almost 50% of the U.S. is fully vaccinated, it’s hard to know where each person’s comfort level is. To be on the safe side, don’t assume your interviewer is ready to shake hands or go mask-less. That said, feel free to ask them what type of interaction they’re most comfortable with as you begin post pandemic interviewing.

Do: Continue to put care into your video interviews 

Even if some managers are conducting in-person interviews, it’s likely that video interviews will be the norm into the foreseeable future. (Especially considering the rise in remote jobs.) Most of us are comfortable with the video conferencing process, but regardless, you should still put in the effort to make sure you’re prepared. This includes: 

  • Being familiar with the conferencing software 
  • Getting your interview environment ready 
  • Testing your internet connection 
  • Remembering classic interview tips 

Click here to read more video interviewing tips. 

Don’t: Go silent on your interviewer 

It’s possible that you may end up not needing or wanting the interview you have scheduled. If that’s the case, always communicate your change in plans with your interviewer. So many businesses are in dire need of employees, and just not showing up to the interview can take away the opportunity from someone who needs the job. Keep this in mind when completing post pandemic interviewing.

Do: Ask how your prospective employer supported employees during the pandemic 

Until we feel the pandemic is finally “over”, it’s important to understand what support was given to employees during quarantine. This will be a good indicator as to what sort of support you can expect to receive (whether pandemic-related or not) in the future.  

Don’t: Ask how the interviewer “spent their quarantine” 

You may be tempted to ask your interviewer what they did during quarantine or how they spent their time. While this question is rooted in good intention, it may imply that your interviewer had the opportunity to sit around and work on projects during quarantine –– when many did not.  

Do: Be honest and transparent about your employment during the pandemic 

Whatever your employment status was during the pandemic, it should be communicated to your potential employer. This will help set proper expectations in your employee/employer relationship. Don’t hesitate to discuss your concerns during post pandemic interviewing.

Don’t: Badmouth how former employers handled the pandemic 

Being unhappy with how a former employer handled the pandemic is understandable; but now is not the time to vent your frustrations. Instead, consider turning your concerns into something positive. For example, instead of saying “[my last employer] was bad at communicating pandemic-related updates,” you could say “I’m looking for an employer who values and practices good communication.” This is crucial during post pandemic interviewing.

Do: Have patience with your interviewer 

A fast and efficient hiring process is crucial for (most) job seekers, and rightfully so. But during this hiring climate where some businesses need to hire dozens of employees, a little patience can get you a long way. If it takes your interviewer an extra day to get back to you, don’t take it personal. That said, don’t hesitate to reach out to them for updates if you don’t hear back in a timely manner.

We hope these interview dos and don’ts are helpful as you navigate the post pandemic interviewing and the employment landscape. Looking for a great, flexible gig? Contact LGC today.