Starting fresh in a new job is exciting, but first you have to master the interview process. Having some pre-interview tips can make you feel more confident and prepared. Hospitality employment agencies can connect you with top employers, but it’s your job to convince the hiring manager you’re the best fit for the position.

Job interviews can rattle the nerves of even the calmest professionals, but try to maintain your cool. If you spend plenty of time preparing, you’ll be able to walk into the meeting feeling confident and ready to shine. Incorporate these five pre-interview tips into your job interview prep to present your very best self.

5 Pre-Interview Tips to Think About

Arrive Early

Being late to an interview will almost definitely ruin your chances of getting the job. Prior to the big day, test drive your route to the building to ensure you won’t have to stress about getting lost. While you’re there, scope out the parking situation, so you have an idea of where you’ll be able to leave your car. On interview day, leave home early, because you never know what kind of unexpected traffic situation might intercept your path.

Dress to Impress

The manner in which you present yourself to a potential employer speaks volumes. Always choose attire one level up from the company’s standard dress code. For example, if the dress code is casual, wear a business casual outfit. Make sure your clothing is clean, neatly pressed and free of any rips or stains.

Let Your Personality Shine

The best fit on paper isn’t always the right person for the job. People hire candidates they like, who they can see themselves working alongside. Therefore, it’s important to show your true personality, while of course remaining professional. Smile a lot, answer questions with relevant examples that highlight your disposition and just be genuine. Hiring managers can tell when candidates are faking it, and they are not impressed.

Make a Personal Connection

Hiring managers meet a lot of candidates, so make yourself stand out by building a bond. Prior to the interview, research the person you’ll be meeting with online — i.e., review their LinkedIn profile or Twitter presence — to find something the two of you have in common. Find a covert way to work your research into the conversation, so the interviewer will feel a connection to you.

Be Ready to Send a Thank You Note

Carve out time in your schedule to write and send a thank you note to the interviewer within 24 hours of your meeting. Some hiring managers disqualify candidates who skip this step, so its importance cannot be emphasized enough. Thank them for taking the time to meet with you and reiterate the main points that make you the best fit for the job. This is also a great place to briefly mention your shared connection — i.e., it was fun to find out we share the same alma mater.

We hope you find these pre-interview tips helpful when you’re looking for your next job! If you’re seeking new opportunities in the hospitality industry, LGC Hospitality has you covered. Get in touch today to find flexible jobs with top employers in your area.