We’re so excited to be celebrating Pride month! 

Through the month of June, we’ll be highlighting some of our incredible employees who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community and learn a little about them and their thoughts on Pride month. Last week we kicked off the series by introducing you to Cat, our Assistant Director of Marketing. (Learn more about her here.) 

This week we’ll be shining the spotlight on Sean who leads our permanent placement division. Get to know him and why he believes Pride is so important.  

Meet Some of LGC’s LGBTQIA+ Employees 

Name: Sean Hoover
Position: General Manager | Permanent Placement Division
LGC employee since: November 2012 


My name is Sean. I came “Out of the Closet” when I was 16 years old. I have been married to my husband for 8 years. We have a beautiful little boy, through surrogacy, who is going to be 4 years old in August! 

What does Pride month mean to you? 

Pride means many things to me these days. Self-affirmation. Equality. These are two of the main things that Pride means to me. But for Pride month…I think what we often forget is that the Pride movement at Stonewall was led by trans women of color and Black lesbians. These women cared for their community and fought for all LGBTQ+ people to have the freedom to live as they are. Get to know the names of Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, Miss Major Griffin-Gracy and Storme DeLarverie. Their stories are epic! 

What are the benefits to being openly supportive of the LGBTQ+ community? 

I think when you are openly supportive, you become sort of a role model in your own way. People start to recognize this and turn to you for support and direction. 

Do you have any thoughts on how employers can better support the LGBTQ+ community? 

I think employers need to see beyond one’s orientation. And see the person. The qualities and strengths that person can bring to an organization. We are lucky at LGC to have support and to celebrate the differences in people. This makes us ONE. 


Keep an eye on the LGC blog for the next part in this series! And if you’re looking for assistance finding full-time employees (particularly in the hospitality industry, contact Sean here: SeanH@LGCassociates.com)