As a room attendant, you play a major role in the guest experience, so hiring managers are very selective when filling open positions. If you’re looking for room attendant job opportunities, prepare to be asked plenty of tough questions during the interview, because this is a very important job.

Beyond providing impressive responses to the questions you’re asked, you’ll also be expected to come up with a list of your own for the interviewer. Prove you’re the right person for the job by posing thought-provoking questions that scratch the surface.

Applying as a Room Attendant? Here are 5 Questions You Should Ask

What does an average day on the job look like?

No two room attendant jobs are the same, so this will allow you to learn about the responsibilities associated with this specific position. You’ll find out important details, including the number of rooms you’ll be expected to service and the amount of time you’ll have for each one.

How will my performance be evaluated?

As an ambitious person, you want a job that sets you up for success. Finding out how your performance will be evaluated is crucial, because it helps you gauge your fit. For example, you might realize the job involves more or less direct supervision that you prefer.

Would my work hours vary or follow a set schedule?

Room attendants are needed on the premises at all times, so find out how the hotel handles scheduling. This is especially important if you have personal obligations that require you to follow the same standard work hours each week.

How is outstanding customer service defined?

As a room attendant, you’ll likely have frequent interactions with guests, so it’s wise to make sure your definition of outstanding customer service aligns with the hotel’s. The answer to this question should tell you what you’ll be expected to do to ensure all guests are satisfied, so you know exactly what you’re getting into.

What is the average tenure of the housekeeping staff?

It’s hard to know what its like to work for a specific hotel until you’re already on staff. However, finding out the average tenure of the housekeeping department offers a glimpse at the work environment. If most people have been there for several years, take that as a sign it’s a great place to work, but if there’s little or no long-term staffers, consider this a red flag.

If you’re looking for a flexible catering job that offers great pay, LGC Hospitality has you covered. Contact us today to connect with top employers looking to hire talented people like you!