Congrats! You landed the interview. Now you just have to ace it. Here are a few tips to try before the big day that will help you stand out from other candidates.  

How to Stand Out from Other Candidates
  1. Do your research about the company and how you would add value. The last thing you want to do is go into the interview blind. Employers want to see that you care and are interested in their company. Don’t only look at the job description. Scope out their website, read about their team, and find out as much information as you can. Knowing the history, background, and having solutions to solving a problem in the company will make you stand out from other candidates.
  2. Interview the person hiring you. The secret to a great interview is to flip the questions on the interviewer. The interviewer wants to feel like you are not only interested in the company, but them too. People enjoy talking about themselves. Get to know them on a more personal level – that will make everyone feel more at ease. Be genuinely curious about the company and its culture. You could possibly spend a lot of time there. Having your own questions you want answered shows initiative. Some example questions would be:

    • What do you enjoy about working here? What are some challenges? 
    • What is different about working here, compared to other workplaces? 
    • How will I be able to grow in this position? 
    • What gets you most excited about the company’s future?
  3. Be transparent. No one likes it when someone comes across disingenuous. And it can be really easy to spot. If something confuses you or you need more clarification, it’s okay to ask. As cliche as it sounds, you want to be yourself. Owning some of your flaws or challenges will make the employer respect you more. No one is perfect, people make mistakes. But it is how you make your setbacks into victories that matter. 
  4. Come with examples of your work. A great way to impress employers is to provide examples; Instead of listing your skills and qualifications, provide concrete examples of how you have applied them in past roles. This demonstrates your ability to apply your skills in practical situations. We can guarantee that this will help you stand out from other candidates.  
  5. Practice. As silly as it may feel, you won’t regret it. Ask your friend to do a mock interview, practice in front of a mirror, record yourself. Of course, you don’t want to sound like you are reading from a script when you go into your interview. But it doesn’t hurt to talk through what you are going to say and how to answer certain questions. 

If you need more tips, let LGC help. We’ve worked with thousands of job seekers over the last twenty years and know what it takes to stand out from other candidates and find success when looking for a new job. (Plus, we can also help with that!) Contact us today to learn more.