With summer almost coming to an end, what are some recruiting trends we can expect to see as we head into fall?

By now, the challenges facing the recruitment industry have been dominating the news for the past several months. Though businesses across the country are adding tens of thousands of jobs per month, the unemployment rate (as of June 2021) still stands just around 6% nationally. In just under two months, summer will come to an end. School will be back in session (whether it’s in-person or virtual), most major sports will start their season, the weather begins to cool off, and the major holidays are on their way. We know what to expect as the seasons change, but what can we anticipate from the recruitment industry once the summer ends? Here are 4 recruiting trends we expect to see post-summer:  

4 Recruiting Trends We Can Expect to See Post-Summer
New COVID variants will stall more people getting back to work 

With the recent emergence of the Delta and Delta Plus COVID variants, it’s likely that some job seekers will be hesitant to return to work if they haven’t already. The U.S. is seeing an increase in new coronavirus cases nationwide, and experts believe this could last for the next several months. (Despite the fact that just under 50% of the country is fully vaccinated.) Though the summer was a taste of more normalcy, the increase in cases may stall more job seekers in their quest to return to work. We anticipate this to be impactful when considering recruiting trends.

Unemployment benefits set to end in September 

Adversely, in early September “as many as 20 million people could see their troubles compounded as their unemployment benefits are dramatically reduced or disappear entirely.” Coupled with the fact that there’s no upcoming stimulus checks planned, those who are still unemployed will likely be starting their job search.  

Businesses will get an early start on holiday hiring 

We all remember the shipping and delivery challenges from last year. Which is why warehouses in particular will be looking to get a jumpstart on hiring for the holiday season. Every year, big names like Amazon and Target set out to hire tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of seasonal workers. If your staffing plans include building up your team during the holidays, it’s time to get started in the next several weeks.

Job seekers will be looking for long-term positions with opportunity for growth 

Though flexibility will still be crucial for job seekers, some will be looking for a full-time position that has opportunity for growth. This will be especially true for those who want to leave their current career or industry.  

Key Takeaways: 

  • Even though the COVID variants may prevent some people from returning to work, unemployment benefits ending will force job seekers to look for a new gig. 
  • Seasonal hiring will throw a huge wrench in recruiting as businesses across the country hire mass amounts of people.  
  • For most, stability is the name of the game when finding their next job.  

Over the last couple of years, the recruiting industry has experienced several challenges; historically low unemployment rates, a pandemic, and now the staff shortage. Use these recruiting trends to be prepared for the fall and create a hiring plan that will help you accomplish your goals.