Every week we comb through the news to find employment trends affecting the hospitality industry so you don’t have to. This week’s topic: why getting feedback on hospitality technology is critical.  

In the ever-evolving world of work, staying competitive means being up to date on trends, especially regarding technology. Technology is critical to continuous improvement, which is probably why Gartner predicts companies worldwide will make an IT expenditure of $3.9 trillion in 2021, up 6% from last year. 

Tech in the Hospitality Industry

Most hospitality businesses have been relying on some type of technology for years. Point-of-sale systems, reservation platforms, and food delivery services are just a few of the technologies often utilized in the industry. And once the pandemic brought health and safety concerns to the forefront, tech offerings became even more popular and necessary at restaurants. Now, it’s not at all uncommon to go to a restaurant or bar that only accepts credit cards or has all their menus online.  

Implementing hospitality technology into your business can be an effective way to stay competitive and create a great experience for your guests. But in order to ensure you’re spending your money wisely, it’s important to understand how the tech impacts operations, which is why feedback on hospitality technology is critical.  

At LGC, we utilize a staffing engagement tool called LGC Now that allows us to automate some of the manual tasks often associated with staffing. Earlier this year, we conducted a poll of gig workers and internal LGC employees to get feedback on hospitality technology and what was working for them. Their feedback confirmed we made a smart investment, but it also brought to our attention that there were areas for improvement. And in learning those areas of improvement, we were able to make necessary changes. 

How to Get Feedback on Hospitality Technology

If you utilize technology at your bar, restaurant, or hotel, getting feedback is critical. How else will you understand whether it’s a good tool for your staff and/or customers? Even something as simple and standard in a restaurant, like a ticket printer in the kitchen, could be improved upon if it’s not working as efficiently as it should. Here are a few tips for how to gather feedback on the hospitality technology you use at your business:  

  • Ask your employees. Simply put, but one of the best ways to understand how well the technology works is to ask the people who use it the most. Consider conducting a questionnaire or holding an all staff meeting once per quarter to make sure everything is working how it’s supposed to. Take feedback seriously and make any necessary changes. 
  • Stay up to date on what other restaurants are doing. Being unique is important, but so is being aware of new technologies and trends. Use relevant industry publications like Hospitality Technology or the LGC blog to keep up on what types of technology other people are using and whether they could improve your business.  
  • Keep the conversation open with guests. For the tech platforms that customers use, like electronic menus or payment systems, you’ll want to keep the conversation open regarding whether they find it useful. Because if it’s not working for them, then what’s the point?  

Taking feedback on hospitality technology is critical for growth. Without input from the key parties using the technology, you won’t be able to fully understand how it’s being used and how well it’s working. Be sure to prioritize communication and user feedback when implementing your hospitality technology platforms.  

About LGC

LGC partners with businesses around the country to connect them with job seekers who are looking for temporary employment opportunities. Our staffing solutions can accommodate a variety of hiring needs, from covering call offs to placing permanent, full-time team members. Contact us today to learn how we can support your hiring efforts.