Every week we comb through the news to find employment trends affecting the hospitality industry so you don’t have to. This week’s topic: active vs passive candidates.

It’s no secret that one of the most important aspects of running a successful business is having a great recruitment plan. Finding top talent is never easy, but with the unemployment rate hovering under 4%, it’s become more challenging than ever.   

According to a report by Bullhorn, 73% of recruiters cite talent shortages as the top issue they face. Because of low unemployment, it seems like there are less candidates looking for a job — making the available pool seem smaller. But would it surprise you to learn that 87% of people are open to new job opportunities? The key to tapping into this group of candidates who, while currently employedare interested in new opportunities, is through passive recruiting. But what’s the difference between recruiting for active vs passive candidates? 

Active vs Passive Candidates

Recruiting active candidates is the most common practice. Active candidates are those currently(actively) seeking new employment, while passive candidates are employed and aren’t seeking employment, but are open to new opportunities. Recruiting passive candidates is a good way to engage with a group of people who prove they’re employable and may not be juggling interviews and job offers from other companies.  

Including active and passive recruiting into your strategy is the best way to help ensure you’re finding the perfect addition to your team. Here are a few tips for recruiting passive candidates:  

  • Reach out to candidates individually. Because they aren’t actively looking for a new job, most passive candidates won’t be perusing job boards. If you see someone who’s perfect for an open position, shoot them a message.  
  • Research your target audience. Make sure you’re looking in the right place for someone who’d be interested in the job you’re offering.  
  • Know your “why”. As a recruiter, if you’re targeting passive candidates, odds are they’re happy with their current employer, so the main question they’ll be asking is why you? Know what makes you stand out from the competition and why you’d be a better fit than their current job.