Some days at work are fantastic, while others are the exact opposite. So it’s important to know how to stay motivated during a challenging day.

Whether you’re bogged down with issues from your personal life or everything has simply gone wrong since you started your shift, it’s only natural to feel less-than-enthusiastic when things don’t go your way. However, you have a job to do, so no matter how discouraged you’re feeling, you must pick yourself up and keep going. Use these five tips to learn how to stay motivated when the going gets tough.

5 Tips on How to Stay Motivated During a Challenging Day at Work

Reflect on your favorite parts of the job

Instead of focusing on the negative parts of your day weighing you down, take a few minutes to think about what you like most about your job. On difficult days, it can be easy to lose sight of what made you want the job in the first place, so reminding yourself of the positives can make all the difference.

Do something nice for another person

Whether you lend a hand to a colleague without being asked or give a guest extra special treatment for no reason, bringing a smile to another person’s face is sure to make you feel better. Your level of drive is bound to increase when you witness your ability to have a positive impact on others.

Stop worrying about things you can’t control

If your challenging day is due to factors beyond your control, stop sweating it and move on. You can’t do anything to change the course of events up until now, but you do have the power to make the best of it. Get motivated by reminding yourself you can turn this bad day around — and then do just that! Though this is a good way to learn how to stay motivated, you’ll want to make sure that you keep the conversation professional and work-related.

Confide in a colleague

Keeping your frustration bottled up inside is toxic, so when you have a few free minutes, pull a trusted co-worker aside and let it out. Sometimes letting go of your woes is all it takes to feel significantly better. After unburdening yourself, you’ll feel like a new person — refreshed and ready to tackle any challenges the rest of the day brings.

Make fun plans for after your shift

On tough days that just won’t end, you need to find out how to stay motivated which may include something to look forward to after your shift. Use your break to make plans with family, friends or colleagues who always make you feel better. Having something fun looming in the horizon is sure to simultaneously boost your mood and level of drive for the rest of the workday.