Every week we comb through the news to find employment trends affecting the hospitality industry so you don’t have to. This week’s topic: the future of hotel tourism.  

The hotel industry was one of the industries that took the biggest hit during the emergence of the coronavirus. Stay-at-home orders and health concerns forced events, vacations, and business trips to be canceled or rescheduled, with no clear timeline of when we can expect business to continue.  

Two months into limited operations, hotels have begun to consider what ‘reopening’ will look like, with social distancing and other safety requirements in place. Here’s what you might be able to expect for the future of hotel tourism:  

The Future of Hotel Tourism

In the age of COVID-19, guests’ priorities have shifted from comfort and leisure to health and safety, causing hotels to rethink where to focus their attention and funds. Contactless check-in and room service, socially distant lounges or pools, and limited capacities are all possible realities in order to create a safe environment and encourage guests to continue booking stays. Hotels should consider having a team dedicated to prioritizing safety and be sure to listen to guest concerns. 

Due to concerns around flying (like lack of enforced PPE and prolonged enclosed spaces), some hotel owners believe “local and drive-to travel will recover first” before flight-based travel. In addition, with millions of people being out of work, it’s natural to assume that drive-to travel will be a more cost effective and realistic option for those who still want to get away. When thinking about marketing efforts, hotels should take local and drive-to tourism into account, understanding that these may be shorter trips to account for longer travel times.  

Food tourism” has recently become a bigger selling point when people are deciding where they want to visit. For local travel especially, a great food and beverage program might be the reason that someone chooses your hotel over a competitor. Hotels with an in-house restaurant should focus on creating an experience for guests that highlight the local cuisine and culture. With the coronavirus shutting down most large events for the rest of 2020, consumers will be looking towards memorable dining for entertainment while traveling.  

When looking ahead to the future of hotel tourism, owners and managers should consider the health and safety of their guests first and foremost. From there, setting realistic expectations for tourism and focusing on creating a food destination will lay the groundwork for creating a space that attracts consumers once businesses are cleared to reopen.  

Should you require Social Distancing Monitors, Sanitizing or Wipe Down Techs, or Temperature Takers, LGC is here to provide this new designation of worker to assist you in providing increased health and safety service to your guests. Contact us today.