According to the American Staffing Association, more than 3 million temporary or contract employees are deployed by staffing companies every week – with that number only expected to grow in the next couple of years. If you haven’t partnered with a staffing company before, how do you know what staffing solution is right for you? 

If you’re new to partnering with a staffing firm, there are several aspects that benefit both the businesses and the temporary employees. Some of these include:  

  • Flexible scheduling for employees means higher retention and engagement rates.  
  • Staffing companies are (typically) the Employer of Record, leading to lower hiring costs for businesses. 
  • Managers can access a diverse talent pool while employees can work with a variety of businesses.  
  • Customizable staffing solutions allow employees and employers to get to know each other before making a permanent commitment.  

There’s no better time like the present to start utilizing the services of a staffing partner. But before you do, it’s important to understand what will best meet your hiring needs. This quick quiz will tell you what staffing solution is right for your business.  

What Staffing Solution is Right for You? 

Choose the answer that best describes your hiring needs: 

A. We’re pretty staffed up right now except for a random call-off here or there. 

B. We can almost always use an extra hand and would ideally add a few members to our team.  

C. We’d like to add a few full-time/permanent employees to our team as soon as possible. 

How would you describe your ideal candidate? 

A. Someone who’s available when we need them.  

B. Someone who fits in well with our culture and existing team. 

C. Someone who’s in it for the long run and has the right combination of hard and soft skills.  

How often would you reach out to your staffing partner? 

A. For last-minute call offs or if we need additional help at an event.  

B. When we have absences that span more than a day.  

C. When we have harder to fill positions or want to scale our team.  

How hands on do you want to be in the hiring process? 

A. I trust you to send me the best person for the job. 

B. I know you’ll send me a good fit, but I’d need to meet with them before making any long-term decisions.  

C. I want to be closely involved in the interviewing process. 

Is there an opportunity to hire staffing employees permanently at your location? 

A. No, we’ll just need them for short-term assignments. 

B. Maybe, it depends on how they do. 

C. Yes, we’re looking for long-term, permanent employees. 

You’re confident in your team, but occasionally you get an unexpected call-off or need an extra hand. You need someone on speed dial to fill in those open positions right when you need them.  

You would benefit by integrating temporary workers into your staffing plan, and are open to the possibility of hiring someone if they fit well on your team.  

You have hiring goals that include growing your team on a permanent basis. It’s important that you meet with candidates so you can make sure they meet your expectations.  

Now that you know what type of staffing solution is right for your business, it’s time to find a partner that understands your needs. LGC works with clients across the country to help them meet their hiring goals, contact us today to learn more. 

About LGC
Since 2003 LGC has been building connections between businesses with staffing needs and job seekers looking for new opportunities. Our range of solutions include temporary and permanent placements (and everything in between) in a variety of industries. With offices located nationwide, we can tap into a dynamic pool of talented professionals. We have a passion for creating partnerships that last and work hard every day to ensure both clients and candidates reach their employment goals.