In honor of Women’s History Month, we want to recognize all the amazing women in the workplace. LGC is proud to have women in leadership positions across the country. Here are a few ways you can support women in your workplace – because they’re the future of work, after all.

Women are the Future of Work – Let’s Invest in Them

Understanding gender bias 

Many times, gender bias is done subconsciously. But it’s important to recognize it and take the necessary steps to make a positive change. Some of the ways gender bias can be demonstrated in the workplace is by giving a female employee an “easier” assignment than a man. For example, only having the women put together parties and work activities. Or only having men in high up or leadership positions. Making sure your workplace is educated about gender bias and how it can go unnoticed is important. Taking a training course online is a great place to start. Here are a few resources: 

Emotional burnout  

In 2021, one in three women considered downshifting their career or leaving the workforce due to burn out. Women often take on the care-giver role at home. Add a full-time job and you get mental and emotional burnout.  

It’s important workplaces understand the added stress women take on. Women are often more likely to take on emotional support by checking-in on other employees. Knowing when to set boundaries is important. Workplaces can help prevent burnout by making it easier for women to balance work/home life. This may include things like offering remote and hybrid work options or being understanding of women needing to leave early/stay home to take care of their kids. Being a mom should not limit you from succeeding at work. 

Don’t turn a blind eye 

If you see or hear about something in the office that is not right, go report it. Even if you are not sure it’s something, it’s better to say something and be wrong than not say anything and be right. Sexual harassment is a huge problem in the workplace. According to the U.S. equal employment opportunity commission, sexual harassment is defined as any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.   

Sexual harassment doesn’t always have to be sexual. It can be any degrading or offensive comment. There needs to be a zero-tolerance policy regarding sexual harassment in the workplace. Always make sure to listen and be supportive of anyone who shares that they have been harassed.  

Lifting other women up 

This goes for everyone, but especially other women. Support each other in your workplace! Be happy for other women who get promoted. Celebrate personal victories. Speak encouragement to each other. Offer a mentorship program with the women in your workplace. Help younger women navigate the workforce because you want to, and because they’re the future of work. Share advice. The world can be a crude place for women. Make the workplace a safe haven.