Every week we comb through the news to find employment trends affecting the hospitality industry so you don’t have to. This week’s topic: flexible hotel employment. 

Flexible Hotel Employment

In the past several years, hiring managers have seen job seekers require flexibility in the next job they choose. While this stipulation is common in a variety of industries, it’s popular in the hospitality industry, particularly at hotels. In fact, a report by Caterers.com shows that “40% of hotel employers say the number of people requesting the right to work flexibly has gone up in the last three years.” There are several reasons working at a hotel lends itself well to a flexible schedule, including:  

  • Long hours lead to a range of scheduling options 
  • There are a variety of positions in food service, housekeeping, events, etc.  
  • Low unemployment rates across the country encourage hiring managers to get creative 

We understand why hotels can offer flexible scheduling, but what’s in it for the hiring managers? One study on flexibility in the workplace showed a 3% decrease in absence rate thanks to a “just ask” policy, which encourages employees to ask for time off rather than using sick days in lieu of available PTO.  

Another compelling reason to offer flexibility for hotel employees is that it’s directly tied to satisfaction; 48% of workers say they’re more inclined to stay at their current job and rate their satisfaction highly due to the availability of flexible work.  

By offering flexible hotel employment, hotels will also attract a larger talent pool because of the ability to accommodate more people. For example – working parents. The report from Caterers.com also shows that “62% of requests for flexible hours come from women seeking to fit work around their childcare arrangements after maternity leave.” 

Lower absence rates, employee satisfaction, and a larger talent pool are three compelling reasons for hotels to offer flexible hotel employment to their staff. Learn how LGC can help by providing reliable, on-demand staff.