What Recruiters Look for in a Great Candidate

What Recruiters Look for in a Great Candidate

Having operated in the staffing industry for almost two decades, one question people often want to know is what recruiters look for in a great candidate. Considering most people’s experience with job searches have been a solo endeavor, this question is completely...
The Importance of Reflection | Looking Back on 2021

The Importance of Reflection | Looking Back on 2021

Every week we comb through the news to find employment trends affecting the hospitality industry so you don’t have to. This week’s topic: the importance of reflection and looking back on LGC’s year.   The Importance of Reflection As we finish up 2021, it’s good to...
2022 Staffing Trends: The Year of the Empowered Worker

2022 Staffing Trends: The Year of the Empowered Worker

As we head in 2022, managers hoped the staffing challenges we’ve been facing throughout the pandemic would have eased so we could start the new year off on the right foot (in the hiring landscape, at least). Yet there are ten million job openings in the U.S. and 8...
Holidays in Hospitality: 3 Expectations for This Season

Holidays in Hospitality: 3 Expectations for This Season

Every week we comb through the news to find employment trends affecting the hospitality industry so you don’t have to. This week’s topic: holidays in hospitality, including 3 expectations for the rest of the season. Holidays in Hospitality With Thanksgiving behind us,...
14 Quotes to Help You Finish 2021 Strong

14 Quotes to Help You Finish 2021 Strong

Can you believe that the year is already coming to an end? Let us share some inspirational quotes with you to kickstart the last few weeks of the year. Even though we’re all preparing for the start of 2022, we know it can be tough to motivate yourself during the last...